Make an Impact
Take a stand and make a difference today! At Refuge City, we invite you to be part of something extraordinary. Your actions have the power to transform lives, families, and entire communities. It all begins with your decision to step forward and make a lasting impact.
Every single one of Refuge City's events and programs would not be possible without the countless committed volunteers.
If you want to volunteer your time or resources, please let us know! Drop us a note!
Our semester-long internships are not currently running and we do not have plans of relaunching at this time. Stay tuned on social media for any and all updates!
Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a powerful impact in the fight against exploitation. Become a monthly partner, you'll experience the power of making a difference every single day, 365 days a year. Donate today!
Join our "Five for Change" and become a member of the $5 monthly giving club! By pledging just $5 each month, you can make an immense impact on countless lives and help us fight against human trafficking.
Spread the Word
Follow us on social media @wearerefugecity and be part of a community that's dedicated to stopping human trafficking. By sharing our posts, you amplify our message and reach more people who need to hear it. Together, we can raise awareness about this issue, inspire others to take action, and build a supportive network that makes a real impact. Every like, comment, and share matters, and it all contributes to our collective efforts to fight human trafficking.
If there isn’t an opportunity with us that works for you, we encourage you to get involved in your local community. Tag us on social media @wearerefugecity to share the wonderful ways you are fighting human trafficking wherever you are!